Securities and Wire Transfers
There are many ways to fund your charitable gift through a security.
If you chose to use one of these options, please notify us at or 412-268-2582 so we are aware that the gift is coming and can ensure it is processed according to your wishes.
Stock Sent by Electronic Transfer
Electronic stock transfers to Carnegie Mellon University should be directed to the Carnegie Mellon account at Pershing LLC. Pershing LLC is the clearing broker for BNY Mellon Capital Markets LLC.
Please have your broker credit electronic stock transfers to:
Pershing LLC
DTC (Depository Trust Co.) Number: 0443
Account Number: N7M100210
Client Account Name: Carnegie Mellon University
Tax ID Number: 25-0969449
Electronic Bond Transfer
American Banking Association
ABA Routing Number: 021-000-018
Account Name: Bank of NY/Pershing
Credit to Account Number: N7M100210
Client Account Name: Carnegie Mellon University
Wire Transfers (U.S.)
Domestic wire transfers should originate from the donor’s financial institution and include the transfer amount, date and gift designation. They should be sent to:
Bank of New York Mellon – Pittsburgh
Bank of New York Mellon Client Service Center
500 Ross Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15262-0001
Carnegie Mellon’s Account Number at Bank of New York Mellon: 9116894
ABA (American Banking Association) Number: 043000261
Carnegie Mellon Tax ID Number: 25-0969449
Wire Transfers (International)
International wire transfers should originate from the donor’s financial institution and include the transfer amount, date and gift designation. They should be sent to:
Bank of New York Mellon– Pittsburgh
Bank of New York Mellon Client Service Center
500 Ross Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15262-0001
Carnegie Mellon’s Account Number at Bank of New York Mellon: 9116894
ABA (American Banking Association) Number: 043000261
Carnegie Mellon Tax ID Number: 25-0969449
Physical Stock Certificates
Sharon King or John Crowley
Phone: 412-268-2582
Mutual Funds
Sharon King or John Crowley
Phone: 412-268-2582